What We Do
We have a range of Paediatric and speciality services here at Ishana to help children, young people and families understand the physical, emotional and developmental challenges that your child or young person might be facing and to work out a plan to optimise the health outcomes for your child.
Our paediatricians are trained to cover all aspects of General paediatric problems such as Asthma, allergies, seizure disorders, failure to thrive, neonatal growth issues etc. They are specifically trained though in areas of child development and have expertise in managing complex developmental problems such as Autism, ADHD, Eating disorders and anxiety, just to name a few.
We work with a multidisciplinary model and have Psychologists, Speech therapists as part of our team, assuring appropriate assessments and therapy to be offered to the children based on their developmental needs.
We see more and more children with Anxiety, Emotional regulation problems and behavior issues at home and school. With our holistic health care model and as part of our Wellness Centre, we hope to introduce yoga and mindfulness for children and young people to help them self-regulate better.
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