Dr Rebecca Healey is a general paediatrician and clinical academic. Rebecca has been working as a clinical doctor for almost 20 years and has a wealth of experience working with children and families from varied ethnic, cultural and educational backgrounds in both metropolitan and rural settings. Rebecca has special interests in Aboriginal Health, Rural Health and children living in out of home care. Rebecca has clinical experience in managing a wide range of general paediatric medical and behavioural conditions.
After graduating from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 2003, Rebecca undertook her paediatric training across various networks across Northern Territory, Queensland, Western Australia and New South Wales. Most recently, for the last 10 years Rebecca has been working as a Staff
Specialist Paediatrician with the Refugee Health Service at Hunter New England Health.
Rebecca holds a senior conjoint appointment with the University of Newcastle. Rebecca enjoys teaching the next generation of doctors, working with the University of Newcastle Joint Medical Program. Rebecca has completed a Master of International Public Health at University of New South Wales and holds a Certificate in Clinical Teaching and Supervision from University of Newcastle. Rebecca has published several research papers and will complete her PhD in Medicine in 2025. She received the Institute for Medical Education and Training Rural Scholarship in 2009.
Rebecca is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP), a member of the Hunter Paediatric Society (HPS), the Australasian Society for Developmental Paediatrics (ASDP), the Australian Medial Association (AMA), the Academy for Collaborative Health Interprofessional Education and Vibrant Excellence (ACHIEVE), the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) Equity in Health and Wellbeing Research Program, the International Association for Health Professions Education (AMEE) and the Association of Medical and Dental Graduates of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI). She has four children.